
Advanced Dr. Strange #1:

Deviation Actions

scholarwarrior-lad's avatar

Literature Text

Page 1:
  Outside the private practice (unit A) on 177 Bleecker Street in Greenwich Village an antique social calling card was picked up from the mailbox by a certain Dr. Strange.
Mordo,... the name struck a bell with Dr. Stephen Strange.  Narration box: Years ago, before the old professor died, no wait, was yes, murdered by the very same name that came to mind right now.  Before... back when Stephen was a medical student they had been academic rivals.  He was getting licensed at a Miskatonic University extension program in Nevada. They both were.  Back then though the classmate's name was Karl.  Stephen: If Baron Mordo or to be more accurate someone for him had mailed this note to the Sanctum Sanctorum then I doubt it could portend anything good.
Dr. Strange: "Wong, see that my remaining appointments from today's schedule are cleared and lock the doors.  It would appear my old nemesis is again up to something."
Dr. Strange retires to his private chambers and begins meditating. He clears his mind of other thoughts and starts searching his memories. They swirl around him in the form of ghostly images.  An image here of working the strip in Vegas as an assistant to the magician Quentin Beck when he was still just a medical student, an image there of taking his oral exam in front of the board (his thesis adviser at that time not being known to him yet as the Ancient one).  Buying a strange trinket at one of the many pawn shops (this trinket is the Eye of Agamotto) then his old boss Beck getting fired for too much trouble with the law.  Stephen: I carried the show for awhile by myself then found out our employers at the resort were tied to the Maggia.  I then retired my magic act and went back to the university to do some postdoctoral studies.

Page 2:
Back then:
A young Dr. Strange and young Karl Mordo are in the Ancient One's personal study. It is full of bizarre treatises on esoteric subjects. This would be the first of several such meetings after hours.  They are being instructed in methods of exploring the subconscious via hypnosis.  It was about that time that the recurrent dreams began for Stephen.  He asked his professor about it and got invited to what he'd been told would be a particularly special lesson after hours.  Much to Mordo's jealousy and frustration their professor would that summer induct the younger Stephen into a secret society of actual magi which Mordo himself as an upperclassman of particular merit already belonged to.  This would begin a series of lessons in the arcane arts.  Stephen: I leave stage magic only to find myself learning actual sorcery. That's ironic.  Also, from none other but the same Miskatonic staff that made up my graduate committee.  Ancient one: "You've both done me very proud as my pupils and advance through your lessons quickly.  Perhaps quickly enough that it is the right time finally for me to explain something to you about the order which a new initiate would not usually be ready for."  Mordo: "Unbelievable! This upstart?! He's had so many fewer years of training than I have. Surely you must be joking master!"  Ancient One: "Now Karl, though Stephen is not as experienced in the arcane arts as you, he shows a well developed sense of responsibility and a maturity which are as you know things sought after in a potential candidate."  Mordo: "I can't believe this! You would consider a neophyte like Stephen Strange when I have been your disciple for much longer than him!" Ancient one: "Karl, I'm disappointed in you.  Go do repetitions of your basic exercises in the basement for punishment." Narration box: I was not sure at the time what I was being considered a potential candidate for but over the next several weeks, Mordo and I were given a more rigorous training regimen.
Editorial box: What does this all mean? How does it tie into these recent events? Read on!

Page 3:
Stephen: I remember that fateful night the Ancient One explained to us about the nebulous barriers betwixt dimensions.
Flashback: Ancient one: "Stephen, Karl, this whole order exists as a system with which to raise the most promising members of each generation of sorcerers to be ready to take on the responsibilities tied to the role of Sorcerer Supreme.  It is a lofty title but carries with it a particular guardianship.  As I have started to teach you, this reality as we normally experience it day to day in our physical bodies is but a thin sliver of full reality.  You have done a bit of subconscious exploration in which you have become aware that there are other dimensions.  It is the job of the Sorcerer Supreme to  keep this dimension from being overtaken by the cosmic horrors of other ones.  You must maintain the balance and prevent certain beings from weakening the gates which bare their entry into our reality.  If they get through to our dimension, it will be very bad for everyone so when they do, you have to seal them back into their celestial prisons.  In other words, return them to their native home dimensions.  The title of Sorcerer Supreme also carries with it the unique duty to prevent merging of these various realities due to dimensional flux."  Stephen: "Ancient One, how do we go about that?"
Ancient one: "Stephen my student, certain very dangerous objects of great power exist.  If misused, allowed to fall into the wrong hands, our reality gets thrown into disarray.  It is the job of the Sorcerer Supreme to secure these arcane artifacts. I would like you to be my successor as the next Sorcerer Supr-... Gyaah!"
He'd been stabbed by a dagger.  Karl Mordo is holding the dagger.
Ancient One: "But why?"
Mordo: "I won't allow it to pass! I am much more deserving of the title. I am in many ways superior to Stephen, if you cannot accept this Ancient One, in this realm then perhaps you will be able to in the next life!"
Stephen: "You son of a b*tch!" He takes a swing at Mordo but finds the blow repelled by a magical force field.
Mordo: "See Stephen, I have access to powers you could scarcely even dream of.  Also I wouldn't bother trying to save the Ancient One."
Ancient one: "The dagger, poisoned..." Stephen urges the Ancient One to conserve his strength. 
Stephen: (to Mordo): "Fiend!"  Mordo: "Those objects of arcane power he'd spoken of, they are more deserving of being in my hands than yours."
Stephen: "I'll stop you Mordo!"  Mordo: "Oh, you can certainly try. I'm sure the piteous attempt will be amusing too. However, that will have to wait for another time." He conjures up puffs of colored smoke clouds and vanishes. As he vanishes his voice can be heard echoing: "It's a big world full of mystic power Stephen. We will meet again! MuwaHahahahaha!"
Stephen rushes the Ancient One to a hospital and as he lays there dying, he bequeaths Dr. Strange the keys and title deed to a piece of property in New York.

Page 4:
Narration box: That was then, this is now.
Present day:
Wong at the grounds of the Sanctum Sanctorum picks up a newspaper.  He leaves it in the dining room.  He knows Strange is in no mood to be interrupted.
Strange bursts into the room from his private study fuming.  "Wong, what do you suppose Mordo could mean?"
Wong: "Um sir, you may want to take a look at the newspaper."
Stephen: "An exhibit on loan from Miskatonic University.  Hmm, one highlighting the ancient text of the mad Arab poet Abdul Hazred?"
Wong: "You had described your predecessor's murderer as rather power hungry."
Stephen: "Yes Wong, the Mordo I knew would do anything to get ahead.  He is determined to be the most powerful sorcerer."
Wong: "Do you suppose he intends on stealing the Necronomicon?"
Stephen: "I don't suppose it. I know it.  I found multiple references made to it mentioned in some of the Ancient One's journals when I'd first moved here."
Strange picks up the Eye of Agamotto and puts it on.  "Wong, ready my car and get me my coat, I'll be going to the museum."

Page 5:
Driving to the museum Stephen can't help but notice as he gets closer the weather seems to have taken a distinct turn for the worse.  This must be the calm before the storm he thinks to himself.  Stephen tries to speak to the museum director but gets dismissed.  Director: "Listen, I'm fairly certain that nobody would want to steal this really old book.  We've got it under glass and with an alarm. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about Mr. Strange. Oh, excuse me, I meant Doctor! Yes, Strange it was?"
Disheartened but not about to give up, Strange asks to see the exhibit.  Director: "Well, certainly Doctor but you will have to go buy a ticket at the front just like anyone else.  Is it just me or did it suddenly get very hot in here? I'll have to have my staff adjust the thermostats.  Some of our pieces are rather sensitive to temperature." He turns to retire back to his office in the museum authorized personel only section when suddenly it is as though everything freezes.
Mordo's Voice: "Stephen, you should get a ticket.  They say museums are a bit boring but you should get a kick out of this exhibit; From what I hear it's quite otherworldly!"
Strange: "You!!" Time unfreezes and two security guards arrive.  
"Excuse us, sir, but you must come to the main hall."
Strange: "What about my ticket?" Guards: "Baron Mordo insists you see him. Come with us." Stephen realizes they are in trance and under Mordo's hypnotic control.
Strange is greeted by Mordo standing in front of the case containing the Necronomicon on display.  "It's no use calling for help Stephen.  No one else can see or hear me but you.  Those guards won't remember a thing about this when they regain consciousness anyway.  I thought we could use this opportunity to chat a bit."
Strange practically spits a terse reply: "Karl, why would I want to talk to someone like you? You murdered our master."  Mordo: "Ah yes, you would remember that.  That was the past though. I've a proposition I would like to make to you. You see, I want you to acknowledge me as your superior. It won't cost anything and you've alot to gain from it because I may even consider allowing you to serve under me."
Stephen: "Why would I want to do that?" Mordo: "Because Stephen, I have become one of the most powerful dark sorcerers in this dimension."
Stephen: "I refuse."
Mordo snaps his fingers and the two guards explode in two similar sized splatters of gore against the wall. Stephen: "Why?!"  Mordo: "I grew tired of them.  We possess abilities not everyone else can cultivate.  We should be ruling it over these lesser beings." He smashes the glass case and opens the Necronomicon.  "Some time in the Dark Dimension from a spell of banishment will allow you to rethink your answer." Mordo reads an invocation
making gestures. Strange looks down and realizes he has walked into a trap.

Page 6:
There are alchemical sketches and runes Mordo must have drawn onto the floor. The blood from the slaughtered guards gathers into etched grooves in this sinister design. A portal opens sucking Strange in then closes.

Strange comes to in a realm that is definitely not the museum.  It seems to be a wasteland floating in what would otherwise be thought of as a desolate space void.  He realizes he can breathe despite the apparent lack of oxygen.
"YOU! Intruder! Come before me!" A voice booms. "You aren't native to this dimension, are you?" A piece of the ground Strange is on rumbles and detaches from the rest of the landscape.  "You who would not kneel before the Dread Dormammu must be either recklessly brave or intensely foolish!" What comes into view is a huge flaming head glaring at Stephen but with a cackling mouth not unlike the face of a Jack O' Lantern. "Give me a good reason not to smite you where you stand."
Stephen: "I was not sent here by choice."
Dormammu: "You also appear to bear the mark from one of the Vishanti. This tells me you would be a practitioner of the occult.  Sorcerer, I've a request to make of you."
Strange: "Will you send me home afterward?" Dormammu: "Do not be making demands oh insolent flea! You must first sup at my court and tell me of the place from which you came." A winding road appears which leads to a palace.

Page 7:
Dormammu, now human sized but retaining his flaming head, beckons strange to sit down at a banquet.  Strange notices someone who is the most beautiful woman whom he has ever seen also sitting at the table with them.  "My niece Clea." Dormammu offers by way of introduction and explanation. He has a servant fill their goblets. "I am the ruler of this realm Strange, who do you think you are to enter it without requesting my permission?"
Stephen: "I'd be the first to try and leave your dimension Dormammu as I'd not come here intentionally but I was sent through a spell of banishment."
Dormammu gestures to the Eye of Agamotto on Strange's neck. Dormammu: "Do you know what that pendent you wear is? Yes, on your neck, that is the fabled Eye of Agamotto. I need you to use it to do something for me here which I cannot.  You see I cannot use it myself interloper.  You however, it would appear can.  Forgive me but I have to make an example of you to my subjects to show that my power over this realm is absolute."
Dormammu has Strange clapped in irons and taken to a dungeon cell.

Page 8:
Clea visits Strange who has been put in a cell.
Clea: "I'm sorry for my uncle's behavior."
Strange: "He sure has a helluva way of showing his hospitality!"
Clea: "Our kingdom here in the Dark Dimension has been plagued by troubles.  We are at war with another place.  Uncle himself cannot send you back to your home but he does know of someone else who can. Here, get a little closer."  Strange gets as close to the bars as he can. Clea reaches over and kisses him. "I do not find you unattractive Strange."
Strange: "Please, call me Stephen."
Dormammu catches her. "Clea! How dare you fraternize with this outsider!"
Strange: "I don't think she did anything wrong."
Dormammu: "Clea, leave here. Let the men discuss their business.  Strange, I have an enemy.  As my niece said, there is another kingdom with which we are at war.  That talisman you wear is used to locate other objects of arcane power.  He has nearly unstoppable golem soldiers we call the Mindless Ones that have been ravaging the countryside.  They destroy our crops and kill our soldiers.  I need you to find a certain tool which will put the Mindless ones back in their own realm. Without them the conjurer Olnar will be much weaker. It would turn the tide in our battle." He undoes Stephen's shackles.
Clea: "Olnar's Mindless Ones killed my mother Stephen. I would be grateful if you helped my uncle."  Dormammu: "Yes, my sister Umar was slain by those creatures.  I believe Olnar controls them with the aid of a special bracelet."
Strange: "If I get the bracelet away from him, no more golems, right?"
Dormammu: "Quite. He remains hidden though, a paranoid individual who would rather send the Mindless Ones to do his dirty work, and we've no idea where his stronghold is. That's where your amulet will come in handy. You can use it to scry on him through pinpointing the bracelet's location."
Strange: "I see."
Dormammu: "Help do me this one favor.  Rid our Dark Dimension of the Mindless Ones. I will take over Olnar's post as ruler of both kingdoms and I'll give you my niece's hand."
Strange: "How would I get home?"
Dormammu: "We have perfected a method of teleportation called warp cloaks Strange, one which we use to go from one area of the dark dimension to another. Help turn the tide in this war and I will ask our eldest soul weaver Enitharmon to set his craftsmen to work on one for you to go back to your dimension."

Page 9:
Narration box: Strange set to work using the Eye of Agamotto to scry Olnar's control bracelet.  During this time Clea found herself growing fonder of the handsome stranger.  For the most part it seemed Dormammu was going to keep to his word.  Until, one day...
Dormammu: "Strange, my troops have closed in on where the analysts suggest Olnar must be hiding, thanks to your scrying.  
Strange: "Dormammu, if these Mindless Ones are as unstoppable engines of destruction as you say, won't the casualties be high?"
Dormammu: "Not necessarily.  You see, we can use a warp cloak to go directly to Olnar's hidden fortress. In fact, we may even have it be close enough to materialize in his throne room."  Narration box: It was over too quickly.  Once Dormammu wrested the control bracelet away from Olnar he decided to use the Mindless Ones as his own shock troops.  He did have Enitharmon make a warp cloak to go between dimensions however, it was not as he had promised.
Dormammu: "I'm going to go banish you and Clea to another dimension so that I won't have any competition to my rule. Enjoy your deaths in a brutal and savage place."  The cloak is unfurled and Strange and Clea are pushed through the portal.

Page 10:
Strange and Clea are grabbed by the tentacles of the many-angled-one, Shuma Gorath. Strange: "This again? Look, we're sorry, we didn't mean to intrude on your dimension, we're just los..." Shuma-Gorath: "SILENCE! I already know what you want. I AM THE VERY POWERFUL LORD OF CHAOS.  I WILL SEND YOU BOTH BACK FROM WHENST YOU CAME IN EXCHANGE FOR ONE FAVOR." Clea and Strange: "What's that"?
Strange: "Okay. That's easy enough."
Strange: "How do you know that?'
Clea: "My love, what should we do?"
Strange: "I don't trust him but he does appear to be our only ticket out of this void.  Let's have him send us back, we take out your uncle and then I get back home to see about stopping Baron Mordo."
Shuma-Gorath: "IT SHALL BE SO."
There is a blinding flash. Strange opens his eyes to see he and Clea are in Dormammu's throne room again. It would appear not that much time has passed since they had been pushed through the portal.
Dormammu does a spit take.  "I thought I'd banished you both. Either the warp cloak was defective or... no matter, Mindless Ones, seize them!"

Page 11:
Dormammu: "Strange, we are going to have a duel you and I, a magician's duel with the Pincers of Power."  Whoever wins 3 of 5 matches will be determined victor.
Strange: "If I win, you let Clea go."
Dormammu: "And if I win, you will die."
Stephen loses the first match.
Clea: "Don't lose hope Stephen, the Pincers of Power can be used to bind hands as a win but a match can also be won through a blow to the head with them."
Dormammu: "Don't help him!"
Stephen wins the next match. It is 1-1.
Dormammu resorts to trickery and distracts Stephen. Now it is 2-1.
Dormammu: "You may as well give up Strange."
Stephen: "Your overconfidence, will be your downfall." He grapples Dormammu's arms in a binding pinch." 2-2.

Page 12:
Dormammu realizes he still has a chance of winning.
Stephen: "Dormammu, let's liven the stakes a bit, whoever wins gets the control bracelet for the Mindless Ones." Dormammu: "I could easily defeat you, so why not, but since I already am in possession of it, what is in it for me? Ah yes, if you lose, I can destroy your amulet." Strange agrees to these conditions.  Dormammu binds one of Stephen's arms with a pincer. "Do you have any last words Strange before I finish you off?" He has his other hand poised ready to go for Stephan's head.
"Just two" He forces the bound hand towards Dormammu's head with the rest of his arm. Dormammu is caught off guard "Hey, those aren't the rules!" Strange hits him in the head with his free hand "You lose."
Dormammu: "It does not matter. I will still have you thrown in the dungeons anyway."
Clea: "People will notice we're missing."
Dormammu: "Not if they don't know you'd ever returned.  Therefore, I still win."

Page 13:
Strange: "I see, you use the control bracelet to keep your subjects in line with the threat of the Mindless Ones... a unique threat which only you can save them from."
Dormammu: "Yes, and they are much stronger than any would be champion who might come forth to challenge me."
Strange: "Very well, I know when I'm beat."  Stephen notices there is a warp cloak in the throne room.
Clea and Enitharmon: "You're going to agree with him?"
Strange: "But before I am locked away, I would ask that you grant me one last request.  You who are far cleverer than I, would that you would let me look at the control bracelet one last time."
Dormammu's curiosity is piqued in addition to his ego being stroked a bit. "Why Strange, of course I will allow you to gaze upon the instrument of your demise."
With a slight of hand trick Strange seizes the control bracelet from Dormammu.  Mindless Ones form and restrain Dormammu.  Strange unfurls the warp cloak.
Stephen has the Mindless Ones yank Dormammu into the portal with them. Strange: "You want the control bracelet so bad, then go get it!" he shouts tossing the bracelet into the portal. Dormammu: "You tricked me! CURSE YOU STRANGE!"  Dr. Strange closes the portal.

Page 14:
Enitharmon: "You deserve a reward for stopping Dormammu since he was a tyrant. Please take this cloak of levitation."
Clea: "Stephen, please stay with me. We can rule the Dark Dimension together."
Strange: "My dear Clea, I can't do that.  There are responsibilities I have back on Earth.  Speaking of, how do I get home?"
Enitharmon: "I believe the answer to that has been with you all along. I was analyzing your amulet and it will allow you to travel between dimensions.  Surely you had noticed you could not engage looking at the center of the eye for any prolonged length of time without experiencing simultaneous feelings of unease and fascination?  If you access the Eye of Agamotto with your mind's eye that should work."
Clea: "Stephen, should you choose to return, know that you will always have a friend in me and in Enitharmon while in the Dark Dimension."
Strange: "I'll visit." There is a flash and as the room fades he hears Clea say: "I'd like that."

Page 15:
Stephen Strange finds himself floating in the void of a pocket Dimension.  
There is a vague glow of light he notices amidst the nothingness so he follows it.  As Strange gets closer he sees it is from a being with a lion's head and glowing eyes.  An impressively strong aura (depicted as wiggly lines of a particular color) seems to emanate from him, one which fills Strange with awe.  This is Agamotto. "Sit down Stephen Strange. We have some things to discuss." Stephen: "We, oh entity?" Agamotto: "Well okay, down is relative. Yes, I am Agamotto of the Vishanti. You wear an amulet in my name.  No, that's alright, I do not want it back. Sit and listen to me, for I will grant you a boon."

Page 16:
Agamotto explains to Stephen that he and the other Vishanti are impressed with the job he has done so far as Earth's Sorcerer Supreme.
Strange: "Agamotto," Strange protests "There are other sorcerers far more experienced in use of magic than I.  Why choose me?"
Agamotto: "Look how quickly you managed to get a handle on realm-walking.  There aren't very many novices who can access a portal."
Strange: "I'm barely a wizard, let alone a sorcerer! How am I to go against much more powerful foes?  Maybe the Vishanti made a mistake."
Agamotto: "Well, let me review the facts. What we saw Stephen Strange, is a mortal man negotiate with not one but two entities both much more powerful in magic than himself without succumbing to their dark energies.  What separates an adept from a novice is not so much knowing more magic, it is that you must have a guardian spirit or deity you are allied to or associated with, with which to augment your casting."
Strange: "But where do I get one of those?" Agamotto: "Stand.  You already have one.  You unlocked the true power of the eye."  Strange: "You would do that for me?"  Agamotto: "Yes, I will loan you some of my power to boost your own.  Stand ADEPT."

The details on the Eye of Agamotto change and Dr. Strange gains the signature gray streaks in his hair for which his character is known.

Page 17:
Earth.  New York. Greenwich. The museum.
Baron Mordo has transformed the museum into a wizard's tower.  It is replete with horrible monsters he had conjured up from reading from the Necronomicon. Blobby, gelatinous deformed things and hulking ogre-like brutish creatures on the ground, horrible live winged creatures with cyclopean visages in place of gargoyles at the top of the tower.
Dr. Strange flies up to the top of the tower using the cloak of levitation. As he reaches the top floor entrance some of the gargoyles attempt to stop him. A blinding flash from the Eye of Agamotto confuses and repels them however. 
Baron Mordo: "Ah yes, Stephen Strange. It would appear that your little vacation was good for both of us.  Look how much stronger I have become in the time you were away." He gestures to the army of creatures, and the room of the tower that is around them.  It's all thanks to this coveted book." He picks up the Necronomicon.
"Our arcane abilities Stephen. Do you realize these people in Greenwich think of me as a God?"
Strange: "Your power is ill-begotten Karl. You aren't a God. I've talked to some before."
Mordo: "How amusing. I will bind you with the Crimson bands of Cytorrak."  Strange is unable to move.  "and now to kill you where you stand." Baron Mordo readies a killing curse.  As he starts chanting the incantation a voice pops into Stephen's head. It is Agamotto: "Stephen, use the Spell of Silence so he cannot complete the chant." Instructions for how to perform the spell are choreographed in Strange's mind as diagrams.
Mordo blinks.  He tries to continue the chant but cannot remember the rest of the words.  He realizes what Strange did. "Congratulations little novice. You learned some spells of your own.  That will only prolong your facing of the inevitable though. I shall have my demoniak servants slay you instead." Long snakelike tails slither and shoot out of some of the brutes lashing and grabbing onto Stephen and they drag him to close right in front of Mordo.  "I won't let them have all the fun though.  I'll be the one to deliver the killing blow."

Page 18:
Mordo readies a dart of black lightning. It is deflected by the (opened) Eye of Agamotto.
Mordo: "The Vishanti it seems have also chosen you too? Fine, damn them and damn you with them. I've my own champion.  By the Demons of Dormammu, I call upon the very Flames of the FALTINE to rend you apart with the Talons of Cosmic Fire!" They arc back and are reflected hitting the Necronomicon.
"What? No!" Reality shifts now that the book has been damaged. Mordo stops everything to try and put out the flame.  Strange realizes he is able to move again and struggles his way out of the tendrils.
Mordo: "Do you realize what you've done?"
Strange hits the book knocking it out of Mordo's hands.  Some pages fly out of it.
Mordo: "Fool! I'd been focusing power into the book to hold these constructs together."  He struggles to reach the book. A few more pages fall out. Strange kicks it away from him.
Mordo: "Stop that!" Mordo picks up the Necronomicon and opens it to flip to a certain page.
Strange is faster and before more incantations can be uttered mimics the movements Mordo did to fire the dart of black lightning at him earlier and it makes an eldritch bolt instead which hits the book blasting it apart.
The book explodes, all pages separated from the binding.  they swirl around as though by the wind then go out the window of the tower, scattered now by the actual wind.

Page 19:
The creatures melt into puddles of goo and the tower crumbles apart.
Mordo decides to flee. Strange sees that the place will not hold together much longer and also exits.
Strange uses the Eye of Agamotto and Agamotto's help to cast a spell of forgetfulness so that people forget the event that had transpired.
Narration: Instead the people of Greenwich have a false memory planted that the building the museum was located was unsafe.  That there was no record of any seismic activity when the building collapsed puzzles a few people but most of them shrug it off.

Page 20:
Epilogue 1: Dormammu: "You have failed me Mordo."
Baron Mordo is writhing in searing hot pain. "Master Dormammu, he had the help of the Vishanti on his side."  Dormammu's flaming head erupts like a volcano.  Veins are throbbing/showing all over Mordo. "Mmm-mm-master I'm sorry!" Mordo's eyes bug/bulge a bit from the sheer agony. He begs, doubled over "Mmm-mm-master!"
Mordo recovers and the image of Dormammu disappears.

Bonus page:
Epilogue 2: Narration box: And life goes on just business as usual. Or is it?

Wong: "Come in Mr. Stark, the Doctor will be ready to see you shortly."
Strange: "Wong, if that's my eleven O' clock, I need to tell him I can't just keep writing him so many prescriptions all the time.  He goes through the medications simply too quickly."
Tony Stark: "Dr. Strange, I made my appointment."
Strange: "Tony, listen, you have been a patient of mine long enough to know that I still get paid whether you show up or not.  On a more serious note though, I think we may need to try a different medication for you."
Tony Stark: "Well, the stimulants work Doc."

Strange: "That's the trouble. I know they do.  I can't keep writing you refills though because they are Schedule II controlled substances. Do you know what it makes me look like as a physician if people think I am handing out pills like candy?"
Tony Stark raises an eyebrow.
Strange continues: "If I write you any more prescriptions they may take away my license.  Make this month's supply last, ok? No more refills.
Tony Stark: "Hey Doctor, where'd you pick up that thing?" He points at the eye of Agamotto on Strange's mantle.
Strange: "That? Oh, this old thing? Listen, that's not important. What is important is to get to the root of your problems. At issue is your hyperactivity, right?"
Tony Stark: "Yes."
Strange tears up the prescription he was filling and gets a new one from the pad.
"Here, since you go through the short acting ones so quickly, let's try moving you to extended release capsules (instead)."
Tony Stark: "Same time next month?"  Strange slaps his forehead in a facepalm as Tony Stark leaves.
Advanced Dr.Strange Cover by scholarwarrior-lad   Here we go!
© 2014 - 2024 scholarwarrior-lad
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spiderman-advanced's avatar
I really enjoyed it and for some reason I'm always a sucker for flashbacks so you got me there lol.