[I am] Also sick of:

3 min read

Deviation Actions

scholarwarrior-lad's avatar


... Girls who otherwise wouldn't be paying any attention to me volunteering opinions on how I look without being asked.  Okay I get that you prefer longer/shorter hair, facial hair/being cleanshaven - but that bottom line usually without open sores or bleeding cuts. Can we discuss something more meaningful a bit please?
They would likely get very upset if I did a turnabout is fair play and critiqued their physique, physical appearance or manner of dress, yes?

No offense to people who actually do feel they are being helpful and/or giving a compliment.

Try not to get offended and take this entry in with a grain of salt.

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MojoBrown's avatar
You know what Luke...fuck them if they do get offended. The question is...if I did all these things could you give me the time of day, a date, a lay, physical contact, and more importantly Do I want to change myself to please some potential date, if they are going to start with appearance, surely it won't stop there... how long before they are telling me which manner to think is sexier. You make a good point about turning the focus on them and offering them the same line of critique. I've done it before, it doesn't go over well, which of course means it was successful from my side of things. Girls telling me...You need to eat, and I retort yeah It would probably be helpful to you, if I were to eat half of everything on YOUR plate maybe. I think you'd look better with a beard! Oh really I think I look fine you on the other hand need to wax, bleach...shave that mustache of yours and while your at it...hit that monobrow too. You should dress up more often because it looks blahblahblah.... well I would but I'd feel out of place because you always dress like a sloppy whore, I'd hate for people to think I just picked you up on the corner....:laughing: